
WEEK 4 -----Desgin

F1 floor plan
 The Story Bridge as a main path that links north and south parts of Brisbane undertakes a very heavy traffic load. At same time, cars create noise that affect people when try to meditate. In this case, a please to provide them a quirt environment becomes the focuses point. so i design this enclosed floor with a concrete tube in the middle to ensure a quiet space.

F2 Floor plan
The second floor has a platform for people to enjoy the river view.


The section
This is the section of my node, the main space for learning meditation is in the middle with a roof that allow light enter as spots . The light spots can help the people to concentrate themselves.

light enter as spot

The detail to show how the slant wall to be connected to the concrete tube in the middle by tie bar

node space in use

elevation of node

The main materials of my node ara percost concrete blocks and timber fence. these two materials are high contrast materials that can provide a beautiful facade

