
WEEK 13 Floor plan and building form


Seven modules like the tangram allow people to play with this building. Each module of this building contian a certain function, and its space cheracters. By assemble seven modules, every time people can create a new building according to the functional needs and spatial needs. At same time the form of building also can be create, such as suare, rectangle and courtyard. With such a playable and creative building, designers who work in this design studio can be inspired. Furthermore more new extra modules can be added if new functions or more sapce is needed.
 Different building form 
like the tangram use these seven modules, different building form can be created 

Square form  

Rectangle form  

With a small courtyard

With a small courtyard 

With a large courtyard 

With a bridge

With a bridge 

Modules assembling

Each of building modules offset in a little bit, keep a space for circuation. when put two pieces together, they become  corridors or  balcony.

This picture shows how two modueles are assembled

This picture shows how the railing on the balcony is assembled

Floor plan 

Blue module Floor plan

Black module Floor plan

Green module Floor plan

Orange module Floor plan

Red module Floor plan

Yellow module Floor plan

Purple module Floor plan

