
WEEK 14 outcome of project 3

Week 14
outcome of project 3


WEEK 13 Floor plan and building form


Seven modules like the tangram allow people to play with this building. Each module of this building contian a certain function, and its space cheracters. By assemble seven modules, every time people can create a new building according to the functional needs and spatial needs. At same time the form of building also can be create, such as suare, rectangle and courtyard. With such a playable and creative building, designers who work in this design studio can be inspired. Furthermore more new extra modules can be added if new functions or more sapce is needed.
 Different building form 
like the tangram use these seven modules, different building form can be created 

Square form  

Rectangle form  

With a small courtyard

With a small courtyard 

With a large courtyard 

With a bridge

With a bridge 

Modules assembling

Each of building modules offset in a little bit, keep a space for circuation. when put two pieces together, they become  corridors or  balcony.

This picture shows how two modueles are assembled

This picture shows how the railing on the balcony is assembled

Floor plan 

Blue module Floor plan

Black module Floor plan

Green module Floor plan

Orange module Floor plan

Red module Floor plan

Yellow module Floor plan

Purple module Floor plan

WEEK 12 Project 3 Design process

Week 12
Desgin process


Design seven of building modules, each modul have its own function and charcaters. then make them like the tangram that able to move around and form any shaps according to funcation needs and space needs.


Since our theme is school of design in this project, I'm decide to start with the spaces should have in a design building and then develop the form of the architecture.
Lecture Hall(200 sqm)
computer lab (120 sqm)
studio (120 sqm)
meeting room (50 sqm)
library and cafe (80 sqm)
Staff Office (60 sqm)
rest space (50 sqm)
reception and information centre (100 sqm)
class room (80 sqm)
Exhibition space (according to need)
Toilet 1 (30 sqm)
circulations (20 sqm)

As mention last week. this project should respects to its certain culture and history in the site and the building must bring minimum influence to the site or perfectly fit into the context. This mains the shape of the building can not be anything that is very  abrupt or have very strong contrast the surrounding environment.Thus my solution to this building is very simple and shape and farm plus glass curtain wall to show the purity of man-made structure.At same time glass curtain wall provide the maximum opportunity for the users to communicate with the outside environment and beautiful river view.

Curtain wall

A curtain wall system is an outer covering of a building in which the outer walls are non-structural, but merely keep the weather out and the occupants in. As the curtain wall is non-structural it can be made of a lightweight material reducing construction costs. When glass is used as the curtain wall, a great advantage is that natural light can penetrate deeper within the building. The curtain wall facade does not carry any dead load weight from the building other than its own dead load weight. The wall transfers horizontal wind loads that are incident upon it to the main building structure through connections at floors or columns of the building. A curtain wall is designed to resist air and water infiltration, sway induced by wind and seismic forces acting on the building, and its own dead load weight forces.

Some place need privacy or controllable level of light
Glass curtain wall have many advantages. however, it can not keep privacy and shade the light as the glass curtain wall is transparent. Therefore there must be a solution to this.

Smart glass:f smart glass allow users to control the amount of light (and thereby heat) transmission. When activated, the glass changes from transparent to translucent, partially blocking light while maintaining a clear view through the glass. Another type of smart glass can provide complete privacy when activated.

The other solution is to add a wall which is not ceiling high behind the curtain wall

WEEK 11 project 3 site review and inspiration

Week 11
Site review and inspiration 

Howard Smith Wharves is a wharf site on the Brisbane River. The 3.5 ha site is culturally and historically significant and is one of the last undeveloped location in Brisbane.At same time, the site locates in the intersection of cultural, business and residential area in Brisbane.Due to these reasons, this project must respects to its certain culture and history in the site.

  Therefore, the project must bring minimum influence to the site or perfectly fit into the context. This mains the shape of the building can not be anything that is very  abrupt or have very strong contrast the surrounding environment.

The studio of design school 

Designers are the main users of this interaction centre of design studio
This interaction centre of design studio will also open to the public who like arts and design

Know about design:
This shows the most common process of design. The design process can be divided into 6 stages and
each stage is closely related. They actually do not have a certain order. So as a space for design studio it mast have randomness and interactivity.

Space to Fit each Stage:

In a design studio, for each design stage, the space requirement is different. Each stage need certain hardware and space to support .
Define-----Office & Reception: to manage this studio, get projects & provide business from customers
Collect----- Resource & reference: library & access to online data
Brainstorm and analyze-----Inspiration &creativity: other people's works, man-made structures
& natural elements
Develop-----Environment: private, sunny & quiet space to ensure concentration
Feedback-----Communication: open & semi-open spaces to maximize chance of communication
Improve-----Hardware: computer lab, sufficient support & relaxing facilities.

From above we can see in each stage of design process, different spaces and different hardware are need. They do not have certain order but closely interrelated.


Tangram:The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape using all seven pieces, which may not overlap.  It is one of the most popular dissection puzzles in the world. In China, the game was designed to evaluate a person's intelligence, along with the ancient game jiulianhuan or nine linked rings. Psychologist Robert Sternberg states that it is considered "the earliest psychological test in the world," albeit one made for entertainment rather than analysis.

The tangram has seven pieces that allow you to from a lot of shapes as you want. This game could be very creativity and be able to inspire people. This character is fit the requriment of design studuio.

So what about ..............